Tag: agriculture

Land grabs squeeze the rural poor

A worldwide phenomenon: since 2008, farmland acquisitions have doubled prices worldwide, squeezing family farmers and other poor rural communities. Such land grabs are worsening inequality, poverty, and food insecurity.

Land Grabs Squeeze Rural Poor Worldwide | Inter Press Service (ipsnews.net)

World Bank: Sowing the Seeds of Poverty

This CAFOD report shows how the World Bank is failing in its duty to tackle poverty by promoting a model of agricultural development that benefits large-scale agribusiness at the expense of some of the world’s poorest smallholder farmers. 

Sowing the seeds of poverty: How the World Bank harms poor farmers (cafod.org.uk)

World Bank Dispossessing Rural Poor

The World Bank’s Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) project, launched in 2013, has sought agricultural reforms favouring the corporate sector. EBA was initially established to support the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, initiated by the G8 to promote private agricultural development in Africa.
The New Alliance has been touted as “a new model of partnership” for agricultural transformation in Africa. The Bank has used the EBA to address the land issue in developing countries, particularly in Africa. The effort is strongly supported by the US and UK governments as well as the Gates Foundation, all strong proponents of corporate agriculture.
(Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Anis Chowdhury)
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