Tag: Children

Child food poverty …

Sadly, the fact that vast numbers of very young children are deprived of the food types they need to develop properly may be little surprise, but the sheer scale of the crisis still has the power to shock.

Child Food Poverty | UNICEF

Early Child Education and Care

On the importance of care and care workers…

Quality early years services: building the future Europe (socialeurope.eu)

Child Poverty in the midst of Wealth

UNICEF Innocenti’s Report Card 18, out today, presents the most up-to-date, comparable picture of poverty affecting children in OECD and EU countries. It finds that, despite overall decreases in poverty by nearly 8 per cent across 40 countries between 2014 and 2021, there were still over 69 million children living in poverty by the end of 2021.

Read the report