Tag: poverty (page 1 of 2)

More poor, yet again

Many low-income countries (LICs) continue to slip further behind the rest of the world. Meanwhile, people in extreme poverty have been increasing again after decades of decline.

More Poverty for the Poor | Inter Press Service (ipsnews.net)

Poverty Inc.

How helping the poor becamebig business

The Rise of Poverty Inc. – The Atlantic

EU-Directive on Minimum Income Needed

As the European elections loom, legislation addressing the root causes of poverty must move to the top of the agenda.

Fighting poverty: directive on minimum income needed (socialeurope.eu)

Onerous Debt making the Poorest Poorer

Contractionary economic trends since 2008 and ‘geopolitical’ conflicts subverting international cooperation have worsened world conditions, especially in the poorest countries, mainly in Africa, leaving their poor worse off.
Conditions and prospects are so bad that two well-known globalisation cheerleaders have appealed to rich nations for urgent action. Former IMF Deputy Managing Director and World Bank Senior Vice-President, Professor Anne Krueger and influential Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf warn ominously of the dire consequences of inaction.

Article by Jomo Kwame Sundaram

More Poverty, more Inequality…

Look at the charts of the World Bank: 2023 was noty positive at all. More poverty, more inequality, ‘development work more complicated’…

2023 in Nine Charts: A Growing Inequality (worldbank.org)

Child Poverty in the midst of Wealth

UNICEF Innocenti’s Report Card 18, out today, presents the most up-to-date, comparable picture of poverty affecting children in OECD and EU countries. It finds that, despite overall decreases in poverty by nearly 8 per cent across 40 countries between 2014 and 2021, there were still over 69 million children living in poverty by the end of 2021.

Read the report

Poverty and the cost-of-living crisis

Low wages are keeping many workers trapped in poverty across the globe.

What a ‘living wage’ really means in today’s cost-of-living crisis – Future of social democracy | IPS Journal (ips-journal.eu)

Absolute Poverty Rises …

An increasing number of middle and low income countries are facing crushing economic strains. From Argentina to Pakistan to Zambia, living costs are rising, economic growth is stalling and absolute poverty is increasing. At the same time, governments are finding it staggeringly difficult to find ways to pay the interest and principal on their vast foreign debts.

In classic bureaucratic language, the IMF and the World Bank call these the “debt distressed countries.” The truth is that the economic conditions, and the policies that governments feel forced to impose, are gravely adding to poverty.

Read the article about debt distress

The Rice Bowl of the Chinese People

At the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), member states decided to replace the Millennium Development Goals (established in 2000) with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The first SDG was to ‘end poverty in all its forms everywhere’. Despite the enthusiastic verbiage, it was clear that poverty was simply not going to be ended across the world. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the data showed that poverty had become intractable.

So how did China eradicate poverty ?

Read Vijay Prashat’s story

The job guarantee in the fight against Poverty

UN Special rapporteur Olivier De Schutter just published a report on fighting poverty with decent jobs:

G2307164.pdf (un.org)


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