1. Marxism has been fundamental in understanding, and in making people understand how, in the modern world, every change of habit and of opinion (that has become hegemonic) always has a bottom structural root. If one does not understand how to situate the problem with respect to the mechanisms of distribution of the economy and of power (most often coincident), one ends up losing sight of the only sphere where the causally decisive levers can be moved.

2. To this must be added the fact that the generational distribution of political consciousness has followed a downward curve. This is a historically unprecedented fact. Until recently, young people were part of the fighting ranks, universities were always niches of protest. The question is: what happened?

3. To get a clue, it is interesting to note what issues activism is focused-on today. Namely: a) on an environmentalism focused on climate change; b) on issues of identity, violence and gender equality; c) on food practices (veganism, synthetic and insect meat; and d) on appeals to human rights in a very selective version. But, on the other hand: There can and does exist: a) an authentic structural environmentalism; b) a historical-structural awareness of the sexual division of labor; c) a correct analysis of the exploitation of nature; and d) a political consciousness in the application of human rights. But none of this is largely part of the current political activism that is rigorously sanitized of its structural implications. (Keep in mind the role of the media apparatus and of school and university indoctrination on this…).

4. The new system of control provides places where it is possible to engage in fake revolutions with cardboard swords, where real power plays its games. This construction process creates artificial fences without structural anchorage. Today, these carefully castrated political agendas spread and make their strident voice heard, which are echoed with benevolence and are finally blessed by the spokesmen of power.

5. Ergo, forgetting what the real levers of power are, activists devote themselves, body and soul, to rather moralizing actions. This infantilization of the historical-political analysis renders any activism fatally impotent when the world is examined as if the distribution of moral adjectives were at its center. Too much energy and passion are invested in carefully delimited fields (you end up taking the shape of the boot that tramples you –so you suffer less… but you jump with bloodshot eyes if somebody uses a frowned-upon gender pronoun…). Aha! And while all this is happening, and it happens a lot,these activists are furiously fighting among themselves…. (all from A. Zhok, Historia de una Involución: De la Política Estructural al Moralismo Histérico)

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