Tag: social justice

Social Rights… Europe’s Future

It was as if the ghost of Karl Polanyi hung over political leaders and top government officials as they plotted the social future of Europe in Vilnius this week. Behind their backs, the Hungarian political economist would have understood their efforts to address the ‘polycrisis’ into which four decades of deregulated markets had plunged the continent—and their focus on socially re-embedding those markets to point the European ship towards calmer waters.

Social rights—securing Europe’s future (socialeurope.eu)

Social rights in Europe—in need of a new impulse?

On the historical relationship between peace and social justice

Social rights in Europe—in need of a new impulse? (socialeurope.eu)

Social protection for Peace

On International Women’s Day, we publish this superimportant report from the FAO, because indeed peace is not possible without social justice!

cc9175en.pdf (fao.org)

Advancing social justice

The report of the ILO Director-General to the International Labour Conference focuses on the need for greater social justice globally and the means to achieve it, and highlights the opportunities that exist, both nationally and internationally, for furthering the ILO’s human-centred and rights-based approach.

Report I(A) – Report of the Director-General: Advancing social justice (ilo.org)

Time to Prioritize Social Justice

ILO Director-General calls for a Global Coalition for Social Justice and a reshaping of economic, social and environmental policies to create a more stable and equitable future.

Labour Day: Time to prioritize social justice (ilo.org)

World Day of Social Justice

On this World Day of social justice, ILO Director general explains why social justice is crucial for our future:

ILO Director-General – why we need greater social justice | The Future of Work Podcast

Looking back at 2022

The ILO looks back at the advances in terms of social justice in 2022:

2022: Advancing social justice in a world in crisis (ilo.org)