Tag: tax (page 3 of 3)

New Report on Wealth tax and potential revenue

An annual wealth tax on the world’s richest could raise 1.7 trillion US$

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Colombia will tax the wealthy!

President Gustavo Petro’s government plans to raise $20 trillion Colombian pesos through a hyper-targeted tax on less than one percent of the country’s top earners. Other nations should take notice.

How Colombia Will Tax the Wealthy – Inequality.org

Tax Super Profits to beat Inflation and Defend Rights

Pandemics, wars and recessions do not exempt states from human-rights commitments. They must tax multinationals and the richest more to protect the most vulnerable.  (Magdalena Sepúlveda)

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One in eight people in sub-Saharan Africa are ‘food insecure’ (Riccardo Mayer / shutterstock.com)

Governments approve proposal for International Tax Cooperation at UN

Civil society organizations across the world welcome the approval of the Africa Group’s proposal for inclusive and effective tax cooperation at the United Nations. The resolution was approved by consensus at the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) today and is a first step towards an inclusive, democratic and transparent process to reform global tax architecture.

For over two decades, developing countries have been calling for an intergovernmental tax negotiation process at the UN, which would allow all countries to participate in discussions and decision-making related to tax on an equal footing. “This is a historic win for the tax justice and the broader economic justice movement and a big step forward to combat illicit financial flows and tax abuse,” said Dereje Alemayehu, Executive Coordinator of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ). “Africa Group’s leadership has paved the way for starting an inclusive process at the UN to build a fair and effective international tax system. This resolution heralds a great opportunity for all UN Member States to move beyond words to action for the much-needed reforms of the global financial architecture,” explained Chenai Mukumba, Policy Research and Advocacy Manager at the Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA). 

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