Tag: trade union

Workers’ fundamental right to organise

is crucial to combat heat stress: vital role of trade unions in combating heat stress and need for organised labour to protect workers from this climate change-induced danger.

Workers’ fundamental right to organise is crucial in combating heat stress – International Trade Union Confederation (ituc-csi.org)

Trade Unions can defeat the Far Right

People who feel more empowered at work are less likely to agree with extreme-right arguments

Trade unions can defeat Europe’s far right – Democracy and society | IPS Journal (ips-journal.eu)

For democracy at work, we demand the right to strike

For Democracy at Work, We Demand the Right to Strike! – International Trade Union Confederation (ituc-csi.org)

Sign ITUC’s petition!

Workers’ rights: a casualty of the war

The war in Ukraine has devastated the country’s trade union movement—and the lives of workers.

Workers’ rights—a casualty of the war in Ukraine (socialeurope.eu)

May Day 2024: Trade Unions for Democracy

There is no democracy without trade unions – that’s the message of the global trade union movement this May Day.

May Day 2024: Trade unions For Democracy – International Trade Union Confederation (ituc-csi.org)

Workers should have no rights!

Ban the Unions! They mean it!

America’s Richest Men Ask the Courts to Make Unions Illegal – The American Prospect

We are all ‘salts’

Don’t know what it means? Then read the article!

Today’s revival of union “salting” could not be more welcome or more urgently needed.

A tactic as old as the labor movement itself, salting describes going to work in an unorganized workplace where there may be a chance to help initiate new union organizing.

It’s also a label for taking jobs at already unionized employers, hoping to play a positive role. But here I will deal with the former: taking jobs to help spur new organizing.

Viewpoint: We Are All Salts | Labor Notes

MayDay, MayDay, a warning from the labour movement

Having battled one crisis after another, a fresh round of austerity could be the last straw for workers.

Mayday, mayday: a warning from the labour movement (socialeurope.eu)

ITUC’s Freedom Report

This Freedom Report and its case studies remind us of the critical role unions play in opposing conflict, authoritarianism, oppression and exclusion.

The report includes case studies from:

  • In Colombia, unions have been at the forefront of decades of struggle for peace and social justice.
  • In Northern Ireland, the trade union movement has long been a motor for peace and overcoming division and sectarianism.
  • In Myanmar, the unions continue their longstanding peace and democracy struggle in the most difficult and dangerous circumstances under a ruthless military dictatorship.
  • In Tunisia, the UGTT and others were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work to build a post-dictatorship country with a new constitution. A commitment that remains just as strong as the country faces new challenges.

Freedom Report 2022: Unions Building Peace – International Trade Union Confederation (ituc-csi.org)

ITUC World Congress

ITUC, the International Trade Union Confederation, holds its 5th Congress in Australia this week. ITUC represents over 200 million workers in over 1230 countries. This congress can be seen as the workers’ parliament.

The role of trade unions for avoiding and solving conflicts is put into focus, as well as the need for a new social contract.

Said Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary: “Right now, too many political leaders and institutions just don’t seem to get it. The vulnerability of many economies has never been greater. But again, they’re letting working people down and lurching to their ‘orthodox’ macroeconomic responses, proven time and time again to only deepen global inequalities and destroy lives and prospects all over the world.

“We need a new economic model with new business models that are based on full employment, decent work and shared prosperity. That means a new social contract with shared prosperity and just transitions that will help stabilise communities and economies, generating a common security of peaceful coexistence that simultaneously addresses poverty and exclusion, creating the opportunity for investing in the care economy to create high quality jobs that support societies. This is about nothing less than creating the conditions for peace, social justice and survival.”

ITUC 5th World Congress opens in Melbourne, Australia – International Trade Union Confederation (ituc-csi.org)