Tag: WB

WB-IMF Spring Meetings Wrap-Up

Despite mounting crises, persistent lack of political will to match rhetoric with action remains

Spring Meetings 2024 Wrap Up: Despite mounting crises, persistent lack of political will to match rhetoric with action remains – Bretton Woods Project

WB-IMF got it wrong

This week’s IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings kicked off celebrations marking 80 years since they were created at the Bretton Woods Conference. But instead of moving with the times, the lack of outcomes this week demonstrate just how outdated and ill-equipped these institutions are, making them unable to address the complex realities of the 21st century.
Instead of addressing their structural problems, they have reaffirmed the same failed recipes.

Reaction: IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings 2024 – Piecemeal ‘solutions’ to shore up countries hit by crises will not help in the long run – Eurodad

Social Security is a human right

Civil society organisations addressed the World Bank and the IMF at their spring meetings in order to promote social security world wide

2024-SpringMeetings-IMF-WBG-EDs-Letter-SS.pdf (socialprotectionfloorscoalition.org)

WB-IMF Spring Meetings:

ITUC: Time for democratisation of global institutions

The ITUC calls for a major democratic reform of the international financial architecture as a key demand in its For Democracy campaign, as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank hold their spring meetings.

IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings: Time for a democratic reform of global institutions – International Trade Union Confederation (ituc-csi.org)

UN Finance for Development Process: the Best Chance for Democratic Economic Governance?

  • As BWIs fail to transform, countries should re-embrace more democratic space at the United Nations
  • UN Financing for Development Conference on horizon, with historic progress on tax cooperation raising hopes on debt

Read the analysis of the Bretton Woods Project

How to avoid another debt crisis?

Eurodad’s reaction to the IMF/WB spring meetings 2023

Reaction: IMF/WB Spring Meetings 2023 – So-called ‘reforms’ create greater dependence on private finance and increase debt burdens – Eurodad