Bretton Woods Project:

As the World Bank and the IMF begin their virtual 2020 Annual Meetings this week, the Bretton Woods Project’s Preamble previews what they might have in store for the Covid-19 recovery and what key developments will be shaping the meetings.

Annual Meetings 2020 Preamble: IMF and World Bank frontload austerity and privatisation in Covid-19 recovery, while the world calls for alternative, more inclusive multilateralism

As the number of global deaths from the Covid-19 pandemic surpasses 1 million, the IMF and World Bank begin their Annual Meetings promising to deliver on green and just recoveries from the pandemic and its devastating consequences. Yet, with the Civil Society Policy Forum taking place this year before the Annual Meetings, the contrast between civil society proposals for feminist, green recoveries that avoid another decade of austerity and the solutions offered by the World Bank and IMF has never been more stark.