The current model of globalisation puts profit ahead of people. The flawed rules of the global economy see working people take home an ever-smaller share of the wealth they create while corporations are allowed to extract, exploit and undermine. These rules are human-made and we can change them. It’s time for a New Social Contract between workers, government and business.

In June 2019, governments, workers and employers are coming together for a historic meeting to negotiate the International Labour Organization (ILO)’s Centennial Declaration. This is a once in a generation opportunity to let us fix the global economy and get it working for people.

What do we want:

  • Rights for all workers, whatever employment arrangements they have.
  • Fairer wages, including minimum wages on which people can live a decent life.
  • More control for people over their working time and more oversight over their bosses to make
  • sure they can’t discriminate or evade responsibilities.
  • Building justice into the climate and technology transition.

Sign the petition